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[INT] Novos eventos para os VIPs chegando!

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[INT] Novos eventos para os VIPs chegando!

Estão sendo planejados pela equipe de desenvolvimento da Sulake novos eventos exclusivos para o Clube VIP. Os mesmos incluirão coisas de luxo, e serão no estilo Jetset, que trata da divisão das classes sociais como grupos, no caso os mais "ricos". Vejam todos os códigos encontrados, que se relacionam aos eventos:


Landing.view.jetset2.roomcomp.vote=Vote now!
Landing.view.jetset33.roomcomp.header=Time to show off!
Landing.view.jetset4.roomcomp.timer=Remaining time
Landing.view.jetset6.roomcomp.vote=Vote now!
Landing.view.jetset.roomcomp.bodytext=You're a VIP? Sure you are! Show it in style and throw the biggest Yacht party in your room and get your guests vote for it. All you need is a VIP hopper, a Yacht... and friends!
Landing.view.jetset6.roomcomp.header=Time to vote!
Landing.view.jetset5.roomcomp.submit=Submit room
Landing.view.jetset.quest2.header=Life is a party when you're a VIP!
Landing.view.jetset2.roomcomp.bodytext=You've got your access pass? Check the navigator, there are tons of Yacht parties to vote for! But you can only choose 3 so... Choose well!
Landing.view.jetset6.roomcomp.bodytext=You've got your access pass? Check the navigator, there are tons of Vault parties to vote for! But you can only choose 3 so... Choose well!
Landing.view.jetset7.winners.header=Best Vault Party Hosts
Landing.view.jetset.access.header=Show your access pass
Landing.view.jetset.quest.openquest=Start Quests!
Landing.view.jetset.quest3.bodytext=You're not? Hum that's embarrassing... in order to access and vote for Vault parties currently running in Habbo you need an access pass.
Landing.view.jetset.access.bodytext=Skip the quests: Buy your access pass from the Shop with Credits now! Also available from the Shop a fantastic range of Jet Set Furn!
Landing.view.jetset4.roomcomp.bodytext=You've got your access pass? Check the navigator, there are tons of Movie Premiere parties to vote for! But you can only choose 3 so... Choose well!
Landing.view.jetset5.roomcomp.bodytext=You're a VIP? Sure you are! the biggest Vault party in your room and get your guests vote for it. All you need is a VIP Hopper, a Bank vault... and friends!


Espero que chegue em menos de 5 dias Língua
Eu também, porque não estou a fim de renovar meu VIP com as moedas que estou guardando pro Hobba Ok
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